Monday, January 28, 2013

S&S 13: Exercise 1

  1. A because of the phonetic similarity of guide and guard as well as the lack of unnecessary verbosity in the second line.
  2. B because "Apollo's lute" sounds more musical than "the lute of Phoebus" due to the 'l's in "Apollo."
  3. A because "over" and "snow" continue the long 'o' sounds from prior in the line.
  4. B because of more "l" sounds in a passage mentioning "bells"
  5. B because it sounds more "murmur-y" and with the multitude of 'm's and many short syllables.
  6. B because the "warbles" sounds more musical than "sings," more euphonious, whereas the latter line is more cacophonous (when describing the failure of the lark to be musical).
  7. B because the list of items, particularly with 'b' sounds, enhance the harshness of the items.
  8. A because the repeated 's' sounds are appropriate for "softly" washing one's hands.
  9. B because of the more onomatopoeic word "tolls" (vs. "sounds"), among other sounds.
  10. B because the "stinks and stings" contrasts more strongly with the "gilded wings" because of the harsh, cacophonous "st" sounds.

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